
· Sotuvchi: McClelland & Stewart
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A dazzling and exhilarating new collection of poetry from an award-winning Canadian poet. For fans of Ken Babstock, A.F. Moritz, and Karen Solie.
     Award-winning poet Adam Sol's fourth collection is a meditation on complicity. By turns intimate and lyrical, experimental and outlandish, the collection focuses us on how we cannot escape the troubling structures that determine our lives. How do we identify ourselves with communities - national, cultural, or local - while aware of the violence which underlies their arrangements? How do we pursue love when we know how fraught and imbalanced gender politics is? How do we continue to value art despite the prevailing rhetoric that considers it a marginal discourse? The poems are funny, allusive, off-kilter, and sonically rich, while crucially interrogating, lit with, the contemporary ethos.

Muallif haqida

ADAM SOL is the author of three previous books of poetry, including Jeremiah, Ohio, a novel in poems that was shortlisted for Ontario's Trillium Award for Poetry; and Crowd of Sounds, which won the award in 2004. He has published fiction, scholarly essays, and reviews for a variety of publications, including The Walrus, Critique, The Globe and Mail, Lemonhound, and He is an Associate Professor of English at Laurentian University's campus in Barrie, Ontario, and lives in Toronto with his wife and three sons. The author lives in Toronto, ON.

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