Conducting Network Penetration and Espionage in a Global Environment

· CRC Press
2 пікір
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When it's all said and done, penetration testing remains the most effective way to identify security vulnerabilities in computer networks. Conducting Network Penetration and Espionage in a Global Environment provides detailed guidance on how to perform effective penetration testing of computer networks-using free, open source, and commercially avai

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2 пікір

Авторы туралы

Bruce Middleton is a graduate of the University of Houston and has been involved with the security of electronic communications systems since 1972, when he enlisted in the military (U.S. Army Security Agency) during the Vietnam conflict and worked overseas in the field for NSA. Since that time he has worked with various government, military, and commercial entities such as NASA (Space Station Freedom communications systems design team), CIA, NAVSEA, and Boeing (ground station-to-aircraft communications systems).

Mr. Middleton has been the keynote speaker at select national and international industry events and a trusted advisor in both the government and commercial sectors. He has written multiple books, e-books, and magazine articles in the fields of communications security, cybercrime, and computer network penetration.

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