Confessions Of A Small-Town Girl

· Going Home 3. kniha · HarperCollins Australia
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Táto e‑kniha

Dear Diary,

Sam MacInnes is back in town. He's still so gorgeous, but there's a haunted look in his eyes. People say he's a cop now he must see some awful things on the job. I used to have the biggest crush on him! He never noticed me, but I wrote all about him in my old diary. My hair curls every time I think of someone reading it! All those dreams of passionate kisses and more Can you imagine that getting out?

Only problem is, the local rumour mill says that he's remodelling the very house where I hid the diary. I've just got to get it back before Sam finds it what would he think of me if he discovered all my secret desires?

O autorovi

Christine Flynn is a regular voice in Harlequin Special Edition and has written nearly forty books for the line.

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