Conscious Loving: The Journey to Co-Committment

· Müüja: Bantam
10 arvustust

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Here is a powerful new program that can clear  away the unconscious agreements patterns that  undermine even your best intentions. Through their own  marriage and through twenty years' experience  counseling more than one thousand couples, therapists  Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks have developed precise  strategies to help you create a vital partnership  and enhance the energy, creativity, and happiness of  each individual. You will learn how to: Let go  of power struggles and need for control; Balance  needs for closeness and separateness; Increase  intimacy by telling the "microscopic truth";  Communicate in a positive way that stops  arguments; Make agreements you can keep; Allow more  pleasure into your life. Addressed to individuals as  well as to couples, Conscious Loving  will heal old hurts and deepen your capacity for  enjoyment, security, and enduing love.

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10 arvustust

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Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., is the bestselling author of Conscious LovingConscious Breathing, At the Speed of Life, The Corporate Mystic, and The Conscious Heart. With his wife, Kathlyn, he is the co-founder of the Hendricks Institute, which hosts workshops on numerous mind-body topics.

Kathlyn Hendricks has been a pioneer in the field of body intelligence for more than 45 years and is the bestselling author of Conscious LovingAt the Speed of Life, and The Conscious Heart. With her husband, Gay, she is the cofounder of the Hendricks Institute, which hosts workshops on numerous mind-body topics.

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