Cool Edit Pro2 in Use

· БХВ-Петербург
14 Rezensionen

Über dieses E-Book

Taking a detailed look at the newest version of one of the most popular software programs for working with music and sound, this guide shows musicians how to record multitrack audio compositions from a microphone or from any other sound signal source. Included are a description of the nature and the methods of using the main audio effects-vibrato, tremolo, delay, flanger, chorus, reverb, distortion, vocoder, and pitch shifting. Various ways of generating and processing sound data are illustrated, such as noise suppression, eliminating the consequences of signal clipping and dynamic and spectral conversion, and using built-in effects and those connected using DX. Also described are Cool Edit Pro's built-in tools for imitating the acoustics of a room using impulse responses, processing compositions with vibrations synchronized with brain waves, extracting sound data from video files and from CD digital audio tracks, converting WAV files into MP3s, and recording compact disks.

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14 Rezensionen

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