Crackhead: A Novel

· Simon and Schuster саткан
204 сын-пикир
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Lisa Lennox transports readers to the heart of the crack era—the South Bronx, New York City, 1989.

In the late 1980s and early 90s, the crack epidemic swept through inner city communities like the plague. Mothers abandoned their children and took to the street for a hit. Fathers sold everything they owned to get a taste. The crackhead was rampant. Some neighborhoods were never the same.

Enter Laci Johnson, a beautiful, smart, privileged teenage girl from across town, who teams up with The South Bronx Bitches—an infamous girl group known for chasing men and money. When the SBB becomes envious of Laci they devise a plan to destroy her life.

Finding love in the most unexpected of places, Laci turns to a local drug dealer to help save her and heal the wounds of her new addiction.

Through Laci and a host of entertaining characters, Crackhead vividly captures the essence of an era and the devastating, sometimes fatal, consequences of addiction.

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204 сын-пикир

Автор жөнүндө

Lisa Lennox is a pseudonym for a bestselling author.

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