Crapitalism: Liberals Who Make Millions Swiping Your Tax Dollars

· Simon and Schuster
2 則評論


New York Times bestselling author and ambush journalist Jason Mattera sets his sights on his next big target: crony liberals, including Al Gore, Carlos Slim, Harry Reid, and Jay Z, whose riches come at taxpayer expense.

From billionaire business tycoons like George Soros and Warren Buffett to movie industry moguls like Jeffrey Katzenberg and Stephen Spielberg, American liberals are using government breaks and shortcuts to pervert the free market. These “rich bastards” leverage crony connections to bag millions for phony “green companies” that go bust, vacuum public coffers to build glitzy stadiums, utilize little-known tax loopholes to loot $1.5 billion for Hollywood movies, and more. They use government to rig the game in their favor and leave taxpayers holding the bill.

And when government gets in the business of picking winners and losers through bailouts and tax breaks, free market competition begins to atrophy. That’s what big government leftists—and corporate Republicans-in-name-only—want to happen.

In this explosive, funny-as-hell investigative exposé, Matterareveals the infuriating schemes that result when the filthy rich combine cronyism and capitalism. Crapitalism pulls back the curtain on a cast of cronyites who make millions taking advantage of taxpayers—and still brag about how they’re looking out for the little guy.


2 則評論


Jason Mattera is the New York Times bestselling author Obama Zombies and Hollywood Hypocrites. He served as the youngest editor of a national periodical, Human Events, and as a broadcaster with the legendary news talk radio 77 WABC in New York City. His “ambush interviews” of top liberals, including Vice President Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, disgraced IRS official Lois Lerner, and Hillary Clinton, have become Internet legends. Ann Coulter crowned Mattera a “national treasure,” Michelle Malkin says his work is a “heat-seeking missile aimed at the Cult of Obama,” and POLITICO named him Washington, DC’s “bad boy reporter.” He is the publisher of the hard-hitting news and entertainment site Daily Surge.




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