Creepy Cute Crochet: Zombies, Ninjas, Robots, and More!

· Sotuvchi: Quirk Books
18 ta sharh
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Discover over 20 crochet patterns for “the most creepily adorable” dolls—perfect for beginner and experienced crafters looking for Halloween activities or year-round fun (Book Riot).
Attack of the cute! Creepy Cute Crochet shows you how to make totally loveable and spooky crochet dolls! Inside you’ll find:
• 20+ unique crochet patterns for zombies, ninjas, Vikings, vampires, aliens, robots, and more
• Step-by-step diagrams, helpful tips, and ranked difficulty levels—so beginners can join the fun!
• Full-color photographs of the bloodcurdlingly sweet creatures in their natural habitats
• Hilarious commentary
A down-and-dirty course in doll making, Creepy Cute Crochet is sure to be a hit with indie crafters, angsty teens, and hip moms everywhere.

Reytinglar va sharhlar

18 ta sharh

Muallif haqida

Christen Haden, aka NeedleNoodles, is a crafting dynamo who lives in Virginia.

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