Crushes, Codas, and Corsages #4

· I Heart Band 4-кітап · Сатушысы: Penguin
5 пікір
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Former band director Michelle Schusterman ends her adorable series about middleschool band geeks with the perfect coda!
The band has been preparing for their big regional competition all year and it's time for all of their work to pay off. On top of preparing for competition, Holly is excited to go to the Spring Dance with Owen, but is he still interested after meeting a new girl at art camp over spring break? Holly and friends band together to have an amazing end to their seventh grade year.

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5 пікір

Авторы туралы

Michelle Schusterman is a former band director and forever band geek, dating back to when she first picked up a pair of drumsticks in the sixth grade. Now Michelle writes books, screenplays, and music. She lives in New York City with her husband (and band mate) and their chocolate lab (who is more of a vocalist).

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