Crystalline And Bright

· Inklet Libri 75 · Inkprint Press
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The voices haunt Amberly—or rather, they nag her, a constant, invisible stream of criticism keeping her company while she survives a boarding school where none but a few teachers like her. 

A good thing the milky-teal river at the edge of the school also keeps her company. It likes her, it keeps the other, critical voices at bay—and Amberly kind of thinks that maybe sometimes she glimpses the river’s face. 

Hold tight as Amberly finds out just how right—and wrong—she is. Her life? About to change forever, restoring more to her than just the lost memories of her first ten years of life… 

A richly imagined fantasy story about finding your place in the world, regardless of the opinions of others.

Rreth autorit

AMY LAURENS is an Australian author of fantasy fiction for all ages. Her story Bones Of The Sea, about creepy carnivorous mist and bone curses, won the 2021 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novella.

Amy has also written the award- winning portal-fantasy Sanctuary series about Edge, a 13-year-old girl forced to move to a small country town because of witness protection (the first book is Where Shadows Rise), the humorous fantasy Kaditeos series, following newly graduated Evil Overlord Mercury as she attempts to acquire a castle, the young adult series Storm Foxes, about love and magic and family in small town Australia, and a whole host of non-fiction.

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