Cursed: A Halloween Romance

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Is the FBI agent her protector—or greatest threat?

Again and again, the people Maria cares about are turning up dead. Hanged, crushed, drowned. And in spite of all her powers, Maria can't seem to protect them. All she can do is keep away from the ones she loves the most—and hope that the witch hunter doesn't find them, too.

Because the hunter could be anyone—even Seth Hughes, the brooding FBI agent who claims to be investigating Maria for murder. From the moment they meet, the intense connection she feels with Seth tells her that their destinies are bound together…somehow. As the hunter claims another victim and zeroes in on Maria, can she risk getting close to Seth?

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New York Times & USA Today bestselling, award-winning author Lisa Childs has written more than 85 novels. Published in 20 countries, she's also appeared on the Publisher's Weekly, Barnes & Nobles and Nielsen Top 100 bestseller lists. Lisa writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, paranormal and women's fiction. She's a wife, mom, bonus mom, an avid reader and a less avid runner. Readers can reach her through Facebook or her website

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