Daddy's Saving

· ABC Towers Sách 3 · With A Wink Publishing, LLC
16 bài đánh giá
Sách điện tử
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Only a Daddy could save her from herself now…

After a lengthy sabbatical to be with her terminally ill husband, Sharon Ross is finally returning to Edgewater Industries. Broken by her loss, and weary from constant caregiving, she is relieved to be back with the only family she has left. 

Knox Miller has loved Sharon from afar for years, and he can’t stand by as grief and exhaustion consume the Little girl inside her. A special Daddy’s tender love and care could rescue Sharon from her misery, and Knox intends to be the one she can count on for that relief. 

Daddy’s Saving is book 3 of the ABC Towers series. If you’re tempted by hot Daddies who will risk everything to keep their Littles safe, this adventure is for you.

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16 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

Ever just gone for it? That's what USA Today Bestselling Author Pepper North did in 2017 when she posted a book for sale on Amazon without telling anyone. Thanks to her amazing fans, the support of the writing community, Mr. North, and a killer schedule, she has now written more than 70 books!

Enjoy contemporary, paranormal, dark, and erotic romances that are both sweet and steamy? Pepper will convert you into one of her loyal readers. What's coming in the future? A Daddypalooza!

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