Dark Angel

· Open Road Media
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A tale of passion, betrayal, and dark family secrets—from the English countryside of 1910 to 1980s New York—by the #1 New York Times–bestselling author.
 On an April night in 1910, just after the appearance of Halley’s comet, a man dies violently at an English manor called Winterscombe. More than half a century later, Victoria Cavendish tries to root out the secrets that have haunted three generations of her family. With the aid of a timeworn journal, she begins an unconventional voyage into the secrets of the past. As Victoria moves closer to the truth of what happened on that fateful night long ago, she uncovers a shocking saga of sex, love, and betrayal.
Traveling through two world wars and beyond, peopled by a cast of unforgettable characters, Dark Angel is a mesmerizing novel about love and redemption.

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Sally Beauman was born in Devon, England, and is a graduate of Cambridge University. She began her career as a critic and writer for New York magazine and continued to write for leading periodicals in the US and the UK after returning to England. In 1970, she became the first recipient of the Catherine Pakenham Award for journalism, and at the age of twenty-four, was appointed editor of Queen magazine. Beauman wrote for the New Yorker, the Sunday Times, and Telegraph Magazine, where she was arts editor.

Her novels, which include the New York Times–bestselling sensation Destiny, have been translated into over twenty languages and are bestsellers worldwide. In addition to her works of fiction, Beauman published two nonfiction books based on the history and work of the Royal Shakespeare Company: The Royal Shakespeare Company’s Centenary Production of Henry V (edited by Beauman, with a foreword by His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, 1976), and The Royal Shakespeare Company: A History of Ten Decades (1982).

Beauman passed away in 2016 at the age of seventy-one.

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