Dead Guilty

· Diane Fallon Forensic წიგნი 2 · გამყიდველი: Penguin
2 მიმოხილვა

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

“Calls to mind the forensic mysteries of Aaron Elkins and Patricia Cornwell.”—Chicago Sun-Times
“Deserves comparison with the best of Patricia Cornwell.”—Booklist (starred review)
In Beverly Connor’s absorbing series, the bones of the dead reveal the secrets of the living. Now Connor takes her ingenious heroine—forensic anthropologist Diane Fallon—on a chilling excavation of a crime with harrowing implications.
In the shadow of Diane Fallon’s new forensic lab in Georgia, a land survey crew has discovered three bodies hanging in an isolated patch of woods. The sensational case has aroused the interest of the media, unnerved the locals—and inspired a gruesome game between the killer and Diane. It begins with taunting e-mails and chilling phone calls. Where it leads is a dangerously personal investigation as each bizarre clue brings Diane closer to a heartless betrayal, and a desperate man’s obsession for justice—and revenge.

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2 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

Beverly Connor is the author of the Diane Fallon Forensic Investigation series, the Lindsay Chamberlain archaeology mystery series, and coauthor of Murder in Macon and The Poplar Creek Murders with her husband, Charles. A former archaeologist, she performed fieldwork and analyzed artifacts in Georgia and South Carolina.

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