Death by Wall Street: Rampage of the Bulls

· AuthorHouse
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Death by Wall Street: Rampage of the Bulls, a murder mystery, is based on real events. It is the story of how the oligarchs of Wall Street, doctors and others in the pharmaceutical research profession having significant conflicts of interest, and employees of two 'captured' US government agencies the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by design as well as by simply refusing to pursue the evidence of malfeasance provided to them, deny patients life saving treatments that are demonstrated safe and effective in FDA-approved drug trials. When the severed head of a Wall Street stock analyst turns up spiked on a horn of the Wall Street Bull, Detective Louis Martelli of the NYPD is assigned to track down the murderer. But why were this victim and the victims of two similar murders that followed singled out for execution? Martelli eventually learns the answer to this question and tracks down the killer, but not before uncovering some of Wall Street's and the US government's darkest secrets pertaining to the US financial markets and the nation's health care practices. For a video trailer, see:

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Theodore J. Cohen, PhD, holds three degrees in the physical sciences from the University of WisconsinMadison and has been an engineer and scientist for more than 40 years. He has been an investor since 1960, focusing almost entirely since 1980 on the world of biotechnology. His experience spans the dawn of the Age of Biotechnology in the late 1970s to todays era of ever more impactful successes in the field. Death by Wall Street: Rampage of the Bulls, is his first novel pertaining to the fields of investing and biotechnology. Dr. Cohen also has published more than 350 papers, articles, columns, essays, and interviews in the fields of communications and electronics, and is a co-author of The NEW Shortwave Propagation Handbook from CQ Communications. His first novel, Full Circle: A Dream Denied, A Vision Fulfilled, which is based on life as a violinistDr. Cohen plays with the Bryn Athyn (PA) Orchestrawas published by AuthorHouse in 2009. He also has written three novels that comprise his Antarctic Murders Trilogy: Frozen in Time: Murder at the Bottom of the World (Book I); Unfinished Business: Pursuit of an Antarctic Killer (Book II); and End Game: Irrational Acts, Tragic Consequences (Book III; to be published in fall, 2010). The Trilogy is available from AuthorHouse, as well. From December 1961 through early March 1962, Dr. Cohen participated in the 16th Chilean Expedition to the Antarctic. The US Board of Geographic Names in October, 1964, named the geographical feature Cohen Islands, located at 63 18 S. latitude, 57 53 W. longitude in the Cape Legoupil area, Antarctica, in his honor. Dr. Cohen served in the US Army Corps of Engineers from March 1966 through March 1968, leaving the service with the rank of Captain. Visit:

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