Death of Yesterday

· Hachette UK
5 водгукаў
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A dead witness. A forgotten crime. Hamish Macbeth never had it so hard as in this newest Highlands mystery!

Morag Merrilea is working at the Shopmark Fashions factory during her summer holidays to earn some extra cash. But when the art student complains to Hamish about the theft of her sketchbook in the pub, he doesn't take her too seriously. After all, she had been drinking and can't quite remember what happened... and then turns out to be snippy when Hamish questions her further.

But then her body is discovered - and Hamish is forced to investigate a crime where the only witness has been murdered . . .

'The detective novels of M. C. Beaton, a master of outrageous black comedy, have reached cult status' Anne Robinson, The Times

'The much-loved Hamish Macbeth series . . . beguiling blend of wry humour and sharp observations about rural life' Good Book Guide

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5 водгукаў

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M.C. Beaton (1936-2019) was the author of both the Agatha Raisin and Hamish Macbeth series, as well as numerous Regency romances. Her books have been translated into seventeen languages and have sold more than twenty-two million copies worldwide. She is consistently the most borrowed UK adult author in British libraries, and her Agatha Raisin books have been turned into a TV series on Sky.

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