Deathstroke Vol. 4: Defiance: Volume 4, Issues 21-25

· DC Comics
7 მიმოხილვა
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Deathstroke is a changed man. The worldÕs deadliest assassin has seen the light, and now he can no longer bring himself to take lives. So whatÕs an unrivaled mercenary to do when he can no longer kill? Start a superhero team, of course. Slade has recruited a group of young heroes into Project Defiance, including Kid Flash, Power Girl, Terra and his children, Rose and Jericho. Deathstroke claims his goal is to shape them into the heroes theyÕre meant to be. But no one on the team trusts the others...and they trust Deathstroke least of all. Can a lifelong assassin really leave his past behind and become a hero? Why has Slade really agreed to train Defiance? And when his enemies rise against him and kidnap Deathstroke...has he trained his team well enough to tangle with the most dangerous super-villains in the world? In one of the most acclaimed series of the year, writer Christopher Priest (Justice League) and artists Diogenes Neves (Green Arrow) and Jason Paz (Batman and Robin Eternal) take Deathstroke in a surprising new direction. Collects Deathstroke #21-25 and a Deathstroke story from DC Universe Holiday Special #1.

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7 მიმოხილვა

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