
· Cal Leandros 4-р ном · Penguin ээс худалдаалагдав
9 шүүмж
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In a nightmarish new york city, life is there for the taking in the fourth Cal Leandros novel from New York Times bestselling author Rob Thurman.

Half-human Cal Leandros and his brother Niko are barely getting by with their preternatural investigative agency when the vampire Seamus hires them. He’s being followed, and he wants to know by whom. But the Leandros brothers have to do more than they planned when Seamus turns up dead (or un-undead).
Worse still is the return of Cal's nightmarish family—the Auphe. The last time Cal and Niko faced them, they were almost wiped out. Now, the Auphe want revenge. And Cal knows that before they get to him, they will destroy everything and everyone he holds dear. Because, for the Auphe, Cal's pain is a pleasure.
And they’re feeling good...

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9 шүүмж

Зохиогчийн тухай

Rob Thurman is the New York Times bestselling author of the of the Cal Leandros novels, the Trickster novels, the Korsak Brothers novels, and several stories in various anthologies. For updates, teasers, music videos, deleted scenes, social networking (the time-suck of an author’s life), and various other extras such as free music and computer wallpaper, visit the author online.

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