Deception Cove: Number 3 in series

· Hachette UK
17 шүүмж
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Alice North is on the run. The mysterious death of her husband is casting a shadow of doubt on her innocence and even with her ability to make herself disappear - literally - Alice is finding it hard to avoid detection. Therefore, it comes as a relief when a stranger shows up at her door, offering money and protection - for a price.

Drake Sebastian is on the hunt for two dangerous paranormal crystals, located on the mysterious and magical Rainshadow Island. Alice seems to hold the key to his success and a marriage will protect her from a murder accusation. A fair deal, right? It's merely convenience, after all . . .

But as passions start to flare, so do old demons. While both Alice and Drake must work together to find the missing crystals, they must also face the consequences of the lives they led before Rainshadow . . . or face certain destruction.

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17 шүүмж

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Jayne Ann Krentz, who also writes historical and futuristic fiction under the pseudonyms Amanda Quick and Jayne Castle respectively, has more than fifty New York Times bestsellers under various pen names; more than thirty-five million copies of her books are in print. She lives in the Pacific Northwest.

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