Deception (The Transformed #1) FREE

· The Transformed 1-kitob · Stacy Claflin
563 ta sharh
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A blind date, a gorgeous vampire, and a deadly assassin.

Just a typical Friday night.

Yesterday, my biggest problems were fighting with my sister and getting into my dream college. Today, I’m dealing with destructive new powers and a raging thirst for blood—and both are getting me into serious trouble.

I never believed in the supernatural, but now I can’t escape it. I’ve tried everything to distract myself from the bundle of weird events that is ruining my life, including a blind date with a drop-dead gorgeous guy. Turns out he knows more about my past than I do, including the assassin who has marked me for death.

I thought becoming a blood-sucking child of the night would make me immortal… turns out it just made me a target. With a trained killer after me, I might actually have to trust the know-it-all vampire to help me unlock my powers, before one of us ends up permanently dead.


Deception is the start of a young adult paranormal romantic suspense series that features gripping supernatural drama, surprising twists, dynamic characters, page-turning suspense, heart-pounding action, and angsty romance.

This saga will keep you on the edge of your seat. You’ll find a supernatural world far beyond the normal scope of vampires and werewolves. Buckle up and get ready for a wild ride!

It’s a tale for all ages – as long as you have an imagination and love surprises! Pick it up today and you won't put it down until the stunning conclusion.

The Complete Story World

The Transformed Series













Transformed Side Stories


Silent Bite

Hidden Intentions

Saved by a Vampire

Sweet Desire

Curse of the Moon

Spin-off series featuring Toby

Lost Wolf

Chosen Wolf

Hunted Wolf

Broken Wolf

Cursed Wolf

Secret Jaguar

Valhalla's Curse

Spin-off series

Renegade Valkyrie

Pursued Valkyrie

Silenced Valkyrie

Vengeful Valkyrie

Unleashed Valkyrie

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563 ta sharh

Muallif haqida

Stacy loves writing, reading, and watching most anything paranormal. Her favorite TV shows include the Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Lost Girl, Fringe, Pretty Little Liars, and even Breaking Bad.

She has been writing and telling stories for as long as she can remember. As a kid, her story telling would get her into trouble when she would try to convince others that her stories were real.

When she's not busy writing, she spends time with her family. She also runs a home preschool and educates her kids from home.

You can learn more about her current and upcoming books, and connect with her at

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