
· Callaghan Mafia 1-kitob · Pink Empire Publishing
71 ta sharh
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Bu e-kitob haqida

She hates me, but she's mine.

My father is missing.

As the head of the Callaghan mob family, he has lots of enemies.

Somehow, one of them got their hands on him.

So now my brothers and I are on the hunt for a kidnapper.

Can't wait to meet him, and end him.

But while my father is missing someone has to keep the family business running.

And that means collecting on our loans.

When one of the families can't pay up, they offer me their daughter instead.

Ciara is stubborn, feisty, and deliciously not interested.

I never back down from a fight.

I'll prove to her I'm the only one who can meet her needs,

And I'll find my father.

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71 ta sharh

Muallif haqida

Savannah Rylan is a romance writer that spends most of her time writing and reading. When not writing about sexy bikers and the women that love them, you can find her chasing around her toddler and two fur babies with her husband. She used to live in warm sunny California but has since moved to the East Coast where she has to deal with snow now, which she isn't too pleased about.

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