Deliverance: What New Doctrine Is This?

· Xlibris Corporation

මෙම ඉ-පොත ගැන

In writing this book, it is my goal to open the eyes of your understanding through the Holy Spirit concerning the doctrine of deliverance, and demonic spirits. I hope that through this book and its simplicity that you will not only read and understand deliverance, but that you will be encouraged to minister the gospel in its entirety. Deliverance is not the cure all. It is up to the individual to work out their own salvation, sometimes its just the flesh. Through this book; I hope you will learn how to discern the difference between a demonic spirit, and the need to crucify the flesh. So may God bless you, and open up the eyes of your understanding as you read this book.

කර්තෘ පිළිබඳ

Dr. Raul A.Medina Founder of Liberty Tabernacle Family Worship Center founded as a non for profi t organization in 1997. Liberty is a ministry that has spent the better part of 20 years reaching a population of people that most people couldn’t or wouldn’t reach. Preaching in the streets at night; in the crack ally’s and street corners of our inner cities, giving him the name, “THE VOICE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS.” Because of the call, his ministry reached out into the streets of Camden, Trenton, connecuit, NewYork, and Atlantic City. Just to name a few as well as the Philippines, and throughout Europe. Dr. Medina was running drug rehabs, homeless shelters as well as a soup kitchen, that fed many people on a weekly basis, until his near fatal car accident, leaving him hospitalized for nearly two years, thus leaving the outreach ministries no option but to shut down. Now a quadrapalizic Dr. Medina says quitting is not an option. Dr. Medina is still willing and ready to preach the word. Dr. Medina is now looking to reach out to the most vulnerable group of people and truly underserved population. Reaching out to those who have experiences with disabilities. Th e vision Dr. Medina has had for over 20 years to reach lost souls is still at the heart of his Ministry. Dr. Medina was a part of a great out pouring of Gods spirit, seeing countless miracles. Th e lame walk, deaf to hear, the oppressed set free and the lost saved. Dr. Medina is longing to be a part of ushering another great out pouring even greater than that of the days of old, believing what the word says, the laterrain shall be greater than the former.

මෙම ඉ-පොත අගයන්න

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