Design Process Hand-Sketching for Interiors

· SDC Publications
5 則評論


 This book is designed to develop your student’s hand-sketching skills. The book will enhance your students basic knowledge of drawing techniques they can use throughout the educational “design process.” A review of basic drawing types is discussed in Ideation Chapters 2 through 4. The text is also intended to be a visual resource to aid design students. Various types of visual presentation techniques used to portray concepts are demonstrated. The practice of creating hand-sketched concept presentations is still viewed as an important design process and the building blocks prior to final CAD-generated documents.

One course in hand drafting and/or sketching is not enough experience for the student learner; it must be fostered, developed and practiced in subsequent coursework that enhances the design process. Hand-sketching techniques for plans, elevations, sections, various 3-dimensional illustrations, millwork and construction details are covered in the book. Also covered are important issues used in the initial design processes of bubble diagramming, block and space plans. The topics of information graphics, delineations, and visual composition are addressed to enhance the visual communication of preliminary design concepts. Ideation Chapter 10 is a series of copyright-free line drawings your students can use to explore skill building through practice exercises referenced within each chapter. The book will be a valuable resource for each student’s educational career, as well as a refresher from time-to-time during their professional endeavors.


5 則評論




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