
· Experimental Heart 1. liburua · Shannon Pemrick
34 iritzi
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Unleash your imagination and embark on an epic journey into a world where destiny intertwines with desire in this enthralling adult romantic science fantasy novel that will leave you breathless and yearning for more.

For a relic of war, death is my inevitable release.

Most people can’t kill without regret, but I don’t have that luxury. I am a tank-created nu-human, and my sole purpose hinges on the whims of my tyrannical maniac creator. Town annihilations to political assassinations—I never disobey.

Until I want more.

When I escape beyond the realm of my former master, my only goal is safety—freedom—a life I always wanted. I should have known my creator would send deadly pursuers. He wants to remind me of what I’m never fated to have.


Then destiny tempts me with the unexpected.

When a dragon—a creature said to be long extinct—offers me a chance at true freedom from my former master’s control, I don't know what to believe. In my line of work, trust kills. But something is different about this creature....

With nothing to lose, I agree to his terms. Now, I wait. Will he give me the freedom I crave, or did I seal my fate?


DESTINY is the first book in the Experimental Heart epic romantic urban-science fantasy series. If you love fantasy mixed with science fiction, strong willed heroines overcoming the torment of their past, fate vs choice, and a dash of slow burn romance, dive into the world of Lumaraeon today!



Destiny (#1)

Pieces (#2)

Secrets (#3)

Exposed (#4)

Surrendered (#5)

Reborn (#6)

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34 iritzi

Egileari buruz

USA Today bestselling author Shannon Pemrick is a full-time slow-burn romantic fantasy author, fuller-time geek, and unrelenting dragon enthusiast. She owns too many novelty mugs, not enough chocolate, and maintains a forbidden love-affair with all things shiny. When she's not burning her fingers across a keyboard handing out adventures and HEAs, she's rolling dice and getting lost in RPGs or searching for brides for her dragon overlords.

To find out more about Shannon and her books, visit

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