Detector dog: A Talking Dogs Scentwork® Manual

· Veloce Publishing Ltd
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As a drug detector dog handler with HM Customs & Excise, Pam Mackinnon searched all over the UK, from oil rigs to cruise ships, postal depots to airports, and vehicles to houses. Combining her detection skills with her work as a dog training and behaviour consultant, Pam developed the UK's most successful scentwork training programme that teaches all dogs to become detector dogs. With almost 30 years’ experience, you and your dog are in safe hands as Pam takes you through each stage of scentwork, beginning with introducing your dog to a specific scent, through starter searches, and on to advanced work, indoors and out. Aided by illustrations and full colour photographs of many different breeds at work, this manual will open up a whole new world of activities that you and your dog can enjoy together.  p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Arial}

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p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Arial}

Pam Mackinnon has been a professional dog trainer for almost 30 years. Building on her skills as a drug detector dog handler for HM Customs, and combining these with her experience as a pet dog trainer and behaviourist, she founded Talking Dogs Scentwork®. Now working exclusively on scentwork, Pam's previous experience includes being a trainer for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, the behaviourist for Wood Green Animal Shelters, and a puppy trainer for Dr Ian Dunbar. Helping pet dogs learn about scentwork is endlessly interesting and rewarding for trainer, dog and owner. Positively addictive!  

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