Devil By The Sea

· Hachette UK
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මෙම ඉ-පොත ගැන

'A born story teller' INDEPENDENT

'Nina Bawden's readers should be numbered like the sands of the sea' GUARDIAN

'The first time the children saw the Devil, he was sitting next to them in the second row of deckchairs in the bandstand. He was biting his nails.'

So begins the horrifying story of a madman loose in a small seaside town - his prey the very young and the very old. Seen through the eyes of Hilary - a precocious, highly imaginative, lonely child - it is a chilling story about the perceptiveness of children, the blindness of parents and the allure of strangers. As the adults carry on with their own grown-up capers, Hilary is led further and further into the twilight world of one man's terrifyingly warped view of normal life. But will she have the sense to resist it?

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කර්තෘ පිළිබඳ

Nina Bawden (1925-2012), CBE, was one of Britain's most distinguished and best-loved novelists, both for adults and children (Peppermint Pig and Carrie's War being among her most famous books for young people). She has published over forty novels and an autobiography, In My Own Time. She was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize for Circles of Deceit and her novel Family Money was filmed by Channel 4, starring Claire Boom and June Whitfield. In 2004 she received the S. T. Dupont Golden Pen Award for a Lifetime's Contribution to Literature.

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