Differences between Old and New School Presbyterians

· Wipf and Stock Publishers
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After increasing theological and institutional tensions, a schism occurred in 1837 within the Presbyterian church between the "Old" and "New" schools, resulting in a thirty-year national division of the church.

From the Introduction:

"In the following work, the Rev. Mr. Cheeseman has designed to give a brief account of those doctrinal differences which separate Presbyterians of the Old and New School. . . . I think Mr. Cheeseman has presented his subject in a manner which appeals to the pious feelings, to the Christian emotions of every renewed heart. . . . There is an application of the great principles of the gospel as he passes along, a flow of devotion, a kindling of the religious sensibilities, which must lead those who commence its perusal to the conclusion of the work. He makes the practical power of the doctrines of grace and redemption, so manifest, that the eyes of all unprejudiced persons can hardly fail to be opened, and if I mistake not, there will be left upon the mind of every reader, an impression of the importance of these great truths for which we stand in a day of darkness and rebuke."

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The Reverend Lewis Cheeseman, DD, (1802-1861) was among the first to identify himself with Old School Presbyterianism. He served as pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Rochester, New York, and also authored 'Ishmael and the Church'.

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