Dinosaurs: Fascinating Facts and 101 Amazing Pictures about These Prehistoric Animals (Kids Educational Guide)

· Tom eMusic
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This valuable and beautiful book is the work of two animal lovers — James F. Coleman is a zoologist and the author of many books on prehistoric animals; Arthur Lobus is an illustrator of many popular encyclopaedias and books about the animal kingdom. His realistic and very graphic illustrations not only skilfully bring dinosaurs to life but lend an incredible atmosphere to the times in which these prehistoric animals lived.

    This encyclopaedia is intended for children from age 7 to 10, but has been designed to equally fascinate adults. It is the essential compendium of knowledge about dinosaurs. First of all, it introduces the reader to Prehistoric times by answering various questions, such as what happened on Earth before the time of dinosaurs, how palaeontologists study these extraordinary animals and their time period, or what is the history of dinosaur discoveries. Next, the book describes the life of reptiles. Starting with the role of eggs in the reptilian reproduction cycle, the book goes on to describe the wide diversity of the Reptilian Family; non-dinosaur species that also lived on Earth in the very same era are similarly highlighted. Finally, the book addresses the dinosaurs themselves. First in line are the herbivorous dinosaurs, such as giant Stegosaurs, armoured Ceratops, dome-headed and duck-billed Iguanodons, and bird-footed dinosaurs. These are closely followed by the mighty carnivorous dinosaurs — Tyrannosaurs, Spinosaurs, Dromaeosaurids, Oviraptors and early birds.  The final part of the book displays three practical study tools: a Q&A section, a glossary of noteworthy words and a special photo gallery of dinosaurs.

    The latest discoveries of modern palaeontology have been carefully featured in this book. These include how dinosaurs must have looked like, how they moved and what their habits were.
A great advantage of this new volume is its modern and user-friendly presentation which showcases over 190 illustrations, diagrams, questions and answers area and photo gallery!


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