Do You: Inspiration and Encouragement for Anyone Who Was Ever Bullied, Left Out, or Pushed Aside

· Продаје Clarkson Potter
1 рецензија
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О овој е-књизи

This book is tiny but powerful, and its life-changing advice can help you stand up to those who want to keep you down and inspire you to hold your head up high. Filled with words of encouragement and guidance for overcoming your challenges and finding the strength to be the best you the world has ever seen, Do You will help you unlock the superpower that is uniquely yours—you!

Оцене и рецензије

1 рецензија

О аутору

BEN COHEN is a world-renowned rugby player, winner of the Rugby World Cup, and a former Player of the Year. In May 2011, Ben retired from professional rugby to found the Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation, an anti-bullying organization that promotes tolerance and the importance of character, respect, and equality in creating a kinder world, in memory of his father. He lives in the United Kingdom.

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