Do You Know the Monkey Man?: A Novel

· Open Road Media
6 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

DIVDIVSamantha’s quest to answer her questions about her past sets in motion a chain of events that will change her life forever/divDIV
For thirteen-year-old Samantha, life consists of too many unanswered questions. Why has her father not tried to contact her all these years? How could he have allowed her twin sister to drown in Clearwater Quarry when they were only toddlers? And how can Samantha’s mother expect her to accept some man she hardly knows as her new father? Samantha already has a father out there. Somewhere.

A fateful decision sets into motion a chain of events and confrontations that will change Samantha’s and her family’s lives forever. As she sets out to find her father and discover what really happened the day her sister was presumed drowned, she uncovers painful secrets that threaten to destroy her family all over again.

Readers will be drawn into Dori Butler’s dramatic, suspenseful, and sensitive story of one family’s crisis unwittingly brought on by an adolescent girl’s search for the truth./div/div

Hodnotenia a recenzie

6 recenzií

O autorovi

DIVDIVDori Hillestad Butler is the Edgar Award–winning author of numerous works of fiction and nonfiction for young readers, including the Buddy Files juvenile mystery series. She has also published stories for children in magazines such as Highlights for ChildrenCricketSpiderChildren’s Digest, and Child Life. Butler is the children’s book review columnist for the Cedar Rapids Gazette. She lives in Iowa./divDIV/div/div

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