Dogs Don't Bite When a Growl Will Do: What Your Dog Can Teach You About Living a Happy Life

· Прадавец: Penguin
Электронная кніга

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Dogs know how to relax.
They forgive and forget.
And they scratch where it itches.
They really know how to live...

Every dog lover knows that man's best friend is sincere and loyal and knows how to have fun-and that dogs are wonderful creatures who have no difficulty showing their love openly.

Dogs Don't Bite When a Growl Will Do is an insightful, engaging, and witty guide to the collective wisdom of man's constant companions-and illustrates the human benefits of becoming a little more canine.

Звесткі пра аўтара

Matt Weinstein is founder and emperor of Playfair, Inc., an international management consulting company that presents innovative team-building programs to more than 400 clients each year. One of the most widely requested speakers on the corporate lecture circuit and a nationally acclaimed expert on the use of play in the workplace, he is the author of Managing to Have Fun. He lives in Northern California with his wife, Geneen Roth.

Luke Barber is the author of Gently Down the Stream: 4 Unforgettable Keys to Success and Dogs Don't Bite When a Growl Will Do: What Your Dog Can Teach You About Living a Happy Life. Barber is a professor of philosophy at Richland College in Dallas, Texas, where he teaches both philosophy and ethics. His innovative teaching has earned him recognition by the National Institute of Staff and Organizational Development as a master teacher. His previous careers as a child evangelist, a Navy seaman, and a 100-mile ultramarathon endurance runner have given him a unique perspective on learning to laugh and play with life's problems.

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