Dragon Hatching

· Dragon 3. liburua · Torquere Press, LLC
1 iritzi
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Becoming a host for a parasitic dragon wasn't part of the plan. Actually, there wasnÕt really any plan to begin with, but when the dragon egg hatches, Ashe figures it's time to come up with one. Katsu's plans are failing miserably. His vast medical knowledge isn't helping Ashe's dragon situation, he's having problems staying detached, and the other mercenaries are concerned about their lifeforce being sucked dry and want Ashe to leave. Katsu is determined that if Ashe leaves, so will he. First, though, he has to make sure that his people aren't killed in battle... something they seem determined to do.

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1 iritzi

Egileari buruz

JB is a part-time author and full-time dog trainer who someday hopes to flip those roles. She lives in San Jose, CA with her two dogs (pit bull Lily and king shepherd Cash) and her African Grey parrot, Tango. When she isn't writing or training, she spends a lot of time driving to the Easy Bay area to visit her girlfriend, or around the South Bay to visit various friends. She spent some time in Canada for University, but settled in the San Francisco Bay Area... at least for the moment. You can follow her shenanigans at her blog, jennabreen.livejournal.com, or check out her books at jbmcdonald.com. She absolutely loves email.

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