Dragon Shift: A clean young adult fantasy

· Dragons of Kaitstud 1-kitob · Prinsenhof Publications
41 ta sharh
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A dragon-sized secret.

A life-changing test.

On the continent of Kaitstud, dragons are feared and thought extinct. The four clans who now rule the continent condemn and slaughter any hints of dragons.

In her sixteenth summer Birgith must face her manifestation test with all the others of her age. The test will prove her ability and solidify her place with the Bear Clan that has raised her.

There’s just one problem.

Birgith might shift into a bear… But she could also end up a dragon. And if that happens, she’ll end up dead and the four clans of Kaitstud will hunt and slaughter the family she’s never met.

But when the test comes, she is unable to shift at all. She is exiled and classed as a lowly human. Trapped and alone, she fears never being able to escape or find out who she really is.

A group of travelling traders provide a way out, but she is unsure how much trust them. Will they help her with her search, or be the first to join the hunt? Birgith needs to decide before it is too late.

Part bear, part dragon, part human. Is Birgith destined to be an outcast mongrel? Or will her diversity be the answer Kaitstud has been searching for?

Dragon Shift is the first in an exciting new sweet epic fantasy series for young adult readers who love dragons, adventure and strong female characters with a hint of a just kisses romance.


Keywords: coming of age fantasy adventure, slow burn fantasy romance, sweet romance, journey of self discovery, reconciling mixed heritage, clean dragon shifter story, initiation test, separated family fiction, cross class romance, ya epic fantasy, teen, teenager heroine, hidden royalty, secondary world, musical magic.

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41 ta sharh

Muallif haqida

Clarissa has degrees in problem solving and managing information, both of which she uses as best as she can in her writing. She now lives in the Netherlands with her family, where she writes as much as they will let her.

She has always lived more in the world of daydream and fiction, and dreamed of writing and publishing her own stories. She writes stories about the transition from childhood to adulthood. About people finding their place in their world. She enjoys the puzzle of creating a new world and tying that into a story. Her writing spans genres from historical to science fiction, focusing on the characters and their development.

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