Drake Ascendant

· Dragon's Oath Livro 1 · Next Chapter

Sobre este e-book

Dragons. Magic. Rifts in time.

Ervig Greenfields, a young prison guard, seeks the dragons’ help to lift a curse that has trapped him in the form of a dungeon rat. The dragons offer him access to the Labyrinth of Times: a maze where dark magic can be purged and the curse lifted.

But there's a catch. To enter, Ervig must swear the Dragon’s Oath, a vow of secrecy that binds him to the dragons as a Drake Ascendant - a human imbued with dragon power, compelled to fight alongside dragonkind for centuries, never to return to his own time.

Slipping through a tear in time to the past, The Drake Ascendant becomes the seed of change risking everything to confront the spirits of the Book Darkmore—and the evil forces that cursed him. His quest will demand sacrifice, and unity between humans and dragons. But can the Thornose and Goldenhorn dragons trust each other—and trust humanity?

An epic fantasy adventure, DRAKE ASCENDANT is the first book in Donna Sundblad's Dragon's Oath series.

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