Draven Doogle and the Corona Witch

· Bublish, Inc.

O tej e-knjigi

Draven Doogle is a typical kid starting third grade. That is, typical until a new neighbor and a worldwide pandemic change everything. From his bedroom window Draven witnesses an unsettling event across the street at Mrs. McBecky’s house. A girl walks into the house with Mrs. McBecky, but only an Octopus Monster walks out making Draven very suspicious.    

Draven’s world is turned even further upside down when he learns that Mrs. McBecky is a new teacher at his school! He spends the school year trying to avoid Mrs. McBecky while still observing her terrible actions. Then even more horrific, the coronavirus causes a worldwide pandemic, the closing of Draven’s school, and even stranger activity at Mrs. McBecky’s house. When Draven’s dad becomes sick with the coronavirus, Draven must find the courage to sneak onto Mrs. McBecky’s porch to steal one of her coronavirus potions. When he fails this mission, Draven must face the terrifying witch head on. He is willing to do anything to save his dad, even if that means facing the dreaded Mrs. McBecky.

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Informacije o branju

Pametni telefoni in tablični računalniki
Namestite aplikacijo Knjige Google Play za Android in iPad/iPhone. Samodejno se sinhronizira z računom in kjer koli omogoča branje s povezavo ali brez nje.
Prenosni in namizni računalniki
Poslušate lahko zvočne knjige, ki ste jih kupili v Googlu Play v brskalniku računalnika.
Bralniki e-knjig in druge naprave
Če želite brati v napravah, ki imajo zaslone z e-črnilom, kot so e-bralniki Kobo, morate prenesti datoteko in jo kopirati v napravo. Podrobna navodila za prenos datotek v podprte bralnike e-knjig najdete v centru za pomoč.