Draw 50 Famous Cartoons: The Step-by-Step Way to Draw Your Favorite Classic Cartoon Characters

· Сатушысы: Watson-Guptill
32 пікір
Электрондық кітап

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A barrel of laughs is what aspiring cartoonists of all ages will have while they learn to draw their favorite characters from the funny pages.

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32 пікір

Авторы туралы

Lee Judah Ames (January 8, 1921 – June 3, 2011 ) was an American artist noted for his Draw 50... learn-to-draw books. He was born in Manhattan, New York. His first job at age eighteen was at Walt Disney Studios. He has since led a career as an advertising artist, fine artist, cartoonist, designer, animation in-betweener, illustrator, and as an artist-in residence at Doubleday. His series of 26 Draw 50... books take a friendly and minimalist approach to teaching drawing while the books often contain no instructional text. He enlisted in the military and served as a second lieutenant during World War II. He and his wife Jocelyn resided in Mission Viejo, California.

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