Dressed To Slay (Mills & Boon Nocturne) (Darkheart & Crosse, Book 1)

· Darkheart & Crosse 1-р ном · HarperCollins UK
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Megan Crosse never had to fight for anything.

Now she’s fighting the urge to kill. Megan and her sisters are heirs to an ancient vampire-slaying legacy. One of them is a natural-born slayer. One is a healer. One will become a vampire. And they’re all in imminent danger from a world being overrun by their undead enemies...

Yet with wild and rugged bodyguard Mikhail watching her every move, Megan’s got an even bigger problem. The bad-boy-turned-good leaves Megan weak at the knees, but he has his own supernatural secret that could tear them apart forever!

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Sandra Hill w/a Harper Allen has a distinct edgy voice and is capable of writing storylines that push the envelope for the Intrigue line. She will be participating in the cross-line COLORADO CONFIDENTIAL miniseries that will be published in 2003 and is also writing one of the stories for the Bombshell continuity. Harper lives in the country in the middle of a hundred acres of maple trees with her husband, Wayne, six cats, four dogs–and a very nervous cockatiel at the bottom of the food chain. For excitement she and Wayne drive to the nearest village and buy jumbo bags of pet food. She believes in love at first sight because it happened to her.

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