Drifter's Run

· Pik Lando 2. raamat · Open Road Media
3 arvustust

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A smuggler goes on the lam in space in this fast-paced adventure by the New York Times–bestselling author of Halo: The Flood.
Even smuggling has rules. The second is: Don’t let your guard down.
Meet Pik Lando, a con artist and a ladies man, a total professional who’ll chase across the galaxies for his clients—and he’ll usually find plenty of action and danger too. In Drifter’s Run, he takes a job piloting a space tug, figuring he could lay low from a cyborg hell bent on finding you. Suddenly Lando is too popular—the government wants his head and a beautiful bounty hunter wants his body. So much for life as fugitive.
Don’t miss Lando’s other adventures, Drifter and Drifter’s War.

Hinnangud ja arvustused

3 arvustust

Teave autori kohta

William C. Dietz is the author of more than thirty science fiction novels. He grew up in the Seattle area, spent time with the Navy and Marine Corps as a medic, graduated from the University of Washington, lived in Africa for half a year, and traveled to six continents. Dietz has been variously employed as a surgical technician, college instructor, news writer, television producer and currently serves as Director of Public Relations and Marketing for an international telephone company. He and his wife live in the Seattle area where they enjoy traveling, boating, snorkeling, and, not too surprisingly, reading books.

For more information about William C. Dietz visit www.williamcdietz.com/. 

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