Dying Day: Absolutely gripping serial killer fiction

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23 шүүмж
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Some mistakes you live with. Others you die for.

When the body of a young woman is found in the boot of an abandoned car near the Southampton Docks, Detective Kate Matthews is ordered to stay well away from the scene.

Exactly a year ago, Amy, a junior detective on Kate’s team, was murdered when she was sent undercover to catch a serial killer targeting young girls. Kate never forgave herself for letting the killer slip through her fingers and her team are worried this coincidence might push her over the edge.  

When another girl’s body with similar bruising around the neck is uncovered days later, Kate launches an investigation of her own, determined to connect new evidence to the old to catch this monster before more innocent lives are taken… 


Mysterious sympathy cards left with the families of the victims finally lead Kate to the twisted individual from her past. But if she’s found the killer, why does the body count keep rising?


An absolutely heart-stopping crime thriller that will have you sleeping with the lights on. Perfect for fans of Robert Dugoni, James Patterson and M.J. Arlidge.

What readers are saying about Dying Day:


Flipping heck!…keeps you in his clutches until you reach the “OMG I never saw that coming” conclusion… An extremely spine-tingling premise and is a worthy addition to this series.’ The Book Review Café, 5 stars

Wow!! I did not see that ending coming at all. I loved this book so much.’ Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars

Bloody awesome!... You get totally sucked in and you can’t put it down. I was flying through the pages as I just had to know what was going to happen next in this gritty, captivating and totally thrilling book. It was a case of “just one more chapter”… Seriously guys this book is really good, I highly recommend it and give it a big fat 5 stars.’ Bonnie’s Book Talk, 5 stars

#Boom what an opening! A "buckle up and hold on tight" read… So many OMG WTAF moments! This one is perfect for armchair detectives who love their reading ponds full of red herrings!Goodreads Reviewer, 4 stars

‘An unputdownable read - loved it - and I look forward to many more in the future. No pressure then Stephen !!!!... The excellent writing and clever twists and turns kept me totally absorbed in the plot from the beginning to its surprising and unexpected ending.’ Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars

‘I honestly didn’t get the twist until it happened and really didn’t see it coming! A great thriller which kept the pages turning right to the very end! Five Stars!Stardust Book Reviews, 5 stars

Hooked me in from the first page and could not freaking put it down. I completely devoured this book… he blew it out of the water with this one. If you want a fast-paced, captivating, and gripping book that will have you on the edge of your seat you need to read this book.’ Shyla’s Uncensored Opinions, 5 stars

Totally enthralling I was transfixed from the start. A must read in my view.’ Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars

‘Oh My, Oh My, Oh My, can someone find my heartbeat! Stephen Edger sent my heart into overdrive with Dying Day, a whooping 5 star read and so much more.’ Sweet Little Book Blog, 5 stars

‘I absolutely loved every minute of this book and surprised myself by racing through it in one evening… heart-thumping, adrenalin-pumping action.’ Jen Meds Book Reviews, 5 stars

‘Oh my goodness me, what a book!!!!!... A fast paced, rollercoaster ride of suspense… once you 'pop', you really can't stop. Absolutely brilliant.’ The Writing Garnet, 5 stars

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