· Rod Raglin

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ


4 Book Box Set. Sold individually for $3.99,

NOW all for stories in one book for $5.99



Romance, action, mystery, magic and murder - four stand-alone contemporary novels that encompass multiple genres, each with a subplot that addresses important environmental issues.

SAVING SPIRIT BEAR - What Price Success?

Corporate Climber challenges Eco-Warrior to decide the fate of the rare and endangered Spirit Bear


How far would you go to save a wild place you love?

MAD MAGGIE - And the Wisdom of the Ancients

Two passionate opponents are about to clash over the future of a grove of Ancient Old Growth Trees on a secluded island. Magic, mystery and madness against logic, cause and effect. Can love find a middle ground?

FOREST - Love, Loss, Legend

Lost gold, lost love and lost hope compels Matt to return home to a dying town on the edge of the Canadian wilderness. The forest is waiting.

ავტორის შესახებ

Rod Raglin is a Canadian journalist, community newspaper publisher, photographer and a keen environmentalist. He has self-published ten novels, a collection of short stories and two plays. His writing deals with contemporary and environmental issues (eco-fiction) and how they impact the human condition.

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