EGYPT GUIDEBOOK-Volume 1: A Traveller’s Guide to the Land of History and Mystery

· Notion Press

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

For the curious visitor, Egypt is a land of mystery and magic. So much to admire and so much to awaken our curiosity, as its history unfolds through an endless series of pyramids, tombs, temples, mosques, souks and museums. How to make the most of this immense patrimony in the limited time available during a visit to the country? A good guidebook is indispensable, and here it is at last, and it makes fascinating reading. Ellen Grady lays out before us the shimmering tapestry that is Egypt, following every colourful thread and describing its intricate weave with affectionate expertise. Medieval cities, the infinite deserts, the inscrutable Nile, all emerge in their splendour to be admired, and at last, understood. Swirling patterns of gods and hieroglyphs reveal at last their hitherto incomprehensible design. The protagonists emerge to tell us their stories; kings and pharaohs, explorers and adventurers, scholars and sycophants. Besides the admirable description of monuments and places of interest, you will find all the background history you need.

ავტორის შესახებ

Ellen Grady is a globe trotter, history buff, bird watcher, and seasoned guidebook writer. After a long career as a journalist, tour guide and tour leader, she lives on the slopes of Mt Etna in Sicily, writing and translating.

შეაფასეთ ეს ელწიგნი

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