EXPLAINING THE HOLY SPIRIT: Basic Bible Doctrines of the Christian Faith

· Christian Publishing House
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The authors of the Bible were men, who spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit, i.e., inspired by the Holy Spirit in order to author their books. The Holy Spirit today guides Christians as they walk with God. The Holy Spirit will be at work in the Christian life when

we are troubled over the difficulties we face,when we are in the darkness of Satan’s world,to remind us of the good things to come,to guides in our daily decisions,walk us through our needs,strengthen our faith,help us though the pains and sorrows of life

All Christians have need of The Holy Spirit if they are to enjoy the life we have now and the one to come. (Gal. 5:22-23) However, exactly how does the Holy Spirit operate in our lives? Precisely, how does the Holy Spirit guide Christians today? In EXPLAINING THE HOLY SPIRIT, Edward D. Andrews will clearly communicate deep, weighty, and insightful truths about the Holy Spirit. 

Про автора

EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice from Zane State, BS in Religion at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, MA in Biblical Studies at Temple-Baptist Seminary, and MDiv in Theology at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) is CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. He has authored forty-three books and coauthored and updated and expanded three books, as well as over 200 articles.

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