Early Medieval Britain, c. 500–1000

· Cambridge History of Britain Kniha 1 · Cambridge University Press

Podrobnosti o e‑knize

Early medieval Britain saw the birth of England, Scotland and of the Welsh kingdoms. Naismith's introductory textbook explores the period between the end of Roman rule and the eve of the Norman Conquest, blending an engaging narrative with clear explanations of key themes and sources. Using extensive illustrations, maps and selections from primary sources, students will examine the island as a collective entity, comparing political histories and institutions as well as societies, beliefs and economies. Each chapter foregrounds questions of identity and the meaning of 'Britain' in this period, encouraging interrogation and contextualisation of sources within the framework of the latest debates and problems. Featuring online resources including timelines, a glossary, end-of-chapter questions and suggestions for further reading, students can drive their own understanding of how the polities and societies of early medieval Britain fitted together and into the wider world, and firmly grasp the formative stages of British history.

O autorovi

Rory Naismith has published extensively on early medieval history, including Money and Power in Anglo-Saxon England: the Southern English Kingdoms 757–865 (2012), Medieval European Coinage 8: Britain and Ireland c. 400–1066 (2017) and Citadel of the Saxons: the Rise of Early London (2018).

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