Eastbound from Flagstaff: A Novel

· Morgan James Publishing

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

A love story based on Annette Valentine’s father, Eastbound Bus From Flagstaff portrays an individual who comes to recognize the significance of family, loyalty, and the richness of his heritage.

Simon Hagan is running from a lie, intent on believing his own efforts and perseverance can overcome anything. He abandons roots that are his foundational strength and hides behind his charm, living every moment as if life’s daring him to fail—again. He’s reckoning with his father’s God who could have delivered better outcomes but didn’t.

This first installment in an epic trilogy that begins in the 1920’s, unique in its purposeful illumination of the human condition and its ideological indifference to God, asks the question: “Why was God silent when I needed him?” Simon’s return to the notion of forgiveness is the catalyst for a new beginning as it reunites Simon to the place he once thought was the impossible dream. The answer for Simon isn’t blowing in the backwinds of his dream chase; rather, it unfolds in the outstretched hand of a villain.

ავტორის შესახებ

Annette Valentine is an inspirational storyteller with a flair for the unexpected. She graduated with distinction from Purdue University and founded an interior design business which spanned a 34-year career in Lafayette, Indiana and Brentwood, Tennessee. Her design expertise went from the White House to a Habitat For Humanity house to the house next door with everything imaginable in between. Annette advocates for victims and survivors of human trafficking and speaks in public forums in an effort to raise awareness on issues which might preclude the joy of abundant life. She currently resides in Brentwood, Tennessee.

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