Eat It to Beat It!: Banish Belly Fat-and Take Back Your Health-While Eating the Brand-Name Foods You Love!

· Predajca: Ballantine Books
19 recenzií
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Eat the World’s Most Delicious Foods—and Start Dropping Pounds Today!

Discover thousands of shocking food truths to help flatten your belly fast—and get you on the path to better health!
NBC News health and wellness contributor Dave Zinczenko, author of the multimillion-copy bestselling Eat This, Not That! series, blows the lid off the bizarre, unnecessary, and shocking ingredients in many common brands, and shows you how making smart choices about the foods you love—including burgers, pizza, and chocolate—can help you lose weight, drop blood pressure, boost your immune system, and more.
Discover how you can EAT IT! to help . . .
IHOP’s Chicken and Spinach Salad has as many calories as 6 Klondike Bars! Good news: A similar salad at another restaurant will save you more than 1,200 calories!
Some dark chocolate brands contain polyphenols, the near-magical nutrients that improve learning and memory, boost mood, and lower stress levels.
Can you believe there’s oatmeal on the market with as much sugar per serving as 13 Hershey’s Kisses? Change your breakfast order and start taking control of your blood sugar levels today!
With Eat It to Beat It!, better living starts right now!

Praise for Eat It to Beat It!
“David Zinczenko provocatively exposes what’s in our food, so grab a fork and start indulging your way back to health with his advice.”—Mehmet Oz, M.D.
“Dave Zinczenko’s investigations into the truth about our food make him one of the top nutrition experts in America. Eat It to Beat It! is an essential guidebook for anyone with an appetite for eating and living well.”—Travis Stork, M.D., co-host, The Doctors

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19 recenzií

O autorovi

David Zinczenko is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Zero Belly Diet, Zero Belly Cookbook, Zero Belly Smoothies, and Zero Belly Breakfasts, and the co-author of the Eat This, Not That! franchise (which has sold more than eight million copies worldwide) and the Abs Diet book series. He is a health and wellness contributor at NBC News and has appeared on Today, Good Morning America, The Oprah Winfrey Show, and Rachael Ray and is the award-winning former editor in chief of Men’s Health and editorial director of Women’s Health, Prevention, and Best Life magazines. Zinczenko is also the founder and chief executive of Galvanized Media, where he oversees a number of life-changing wellness brands. He lives in New York City.

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