Echo of the Reich: A Chris Bronson Thriller

· Random House
11 водгукаў
Электронная кніга

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Poland, 1945. A special Evacuation Kommando arrives at the Wencleslas Mine, site of the Nazis’ most secret weapon development project. A device known as Die Glocke is removed from the subterranean factory, loaded on to a transport aircraft and spirited out of war-ravaged Europe. No witnesses are left alive.


London, today. Chris Bronson is working undercover for the Metropolitan Police. What begins as a routine investigation into a group of hooligans vandalising sites in North West London, takes a very sinister turn when Bronson discovers the attacks are being masterminded by a Far Right group.


What if the prototype for a devastating new form of super-weapon survived the end of the war? What if sixty years later it has been perfected? Now imagine an old enemy who has been hiding in the shadows and is still fighting a war most thought had ended with the fall of Hitler.

Chris Bronson has less than ten days to stop the biggest and most destructive terror attack the world has ever seen.

Ацэнкі і агляды

11 водгукаў

Звесткі пра аўтара

James Becker spent over twenty years in the Royal Navy's Fleet Air arm and served during Falklands War. Throughout his career he has been involved in covert operations in many of the world's hotspots; places like Yemen, Northern Ireland and Russia. He is an accomplished combat pistol shot and has an abiding interest in ancient and medieval history.

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