Eighth Grade Bites #1: The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod

· The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod წიგნი 1 · გამყიდველი: Penguin
310 მიმოხილვა

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

Vlad has to keep his vampire urges under control while dealing with the pressures of middle school.

Thirteen-year-old Vladimir Tod really hates junior high. Bullies harass him, the principal is dogging him, and the girl he likes prefers his best friend. Oh, and Vlad has a secret: His mother was human, but his father was a vampire. With no idea of the extent of his powers, Vlad struggles daily with his blood cravings and his enlarged fangs. When a substitute teacher begins to question him a little too closely, Vlad worries that his cover is about to be blown. But then he faces a much bigger problem: He’s being hunted by a vampire killer.

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310 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

Heather Brewer is the New York Times bestselling author of the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod series. She doesn't believe in happy endings, unless they involve blood. Ms. Brewer lives in St. Louis, Missouri, with her husband and two children.
Tony Lee is a New York Times Best-selling Graphic Novels. He adapted Pride & Prejudice & Zombies into a graphic novel for Del Rey Publishing, which was a New York Times #1 Bestselling Paperback graphic Novel. He also adapted Anthony Horowitz’s Power of Five series into graphic format for Walter Books. His Excalibur: The Legend of King Arthur was nominated for the American Library Association/Young Adult Library Services Association 2012 “Great Graphic Novels for Teens”. www.tonylee.co.uk

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