Eighth Grade Is Making Me Sick: Ginny Davis's Year In Stuff

· Predajca: Random House Books for Young Readers
2 recenzie
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Part graphic novel, part scrapbook and altogether original—New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Holm's Eighth Grade Is Making Me Sick is just right for fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dork Diaries and Babymouse!
Ginny has big plans for eighth grade. She's going to try out for cheerleading, join Virtual Vampire Vixens, and maybe even fall in love. But middle school is more of a roller-coaster ride than Ginny could have ever predicted. Her family has just moved into a fancy new house when Ginny's stepdad loses his job. (Can worrying about money make you sick?). Ginny's big brother keeps getting into trouble. And there's a new baby on the way. (Living proof that Ginny's mom and stepdad are having sex. Just what she needs.) Filled with Post-its, journal entries, grocery lists, hand-drawn comic strips, report cards, IMs, notes, and more, Eighth Grade Is Making Me Sick is the sometimes poignant, often hilarious, always relatable look at a year in the life of one girl, told entirely through her stuff.

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2 recenzie

O autorovi

JENNIFER L. HOLM is the New York Times bestselling author of three Newbery Honor Books, Our Only May Amelia, Penny from Heaven, and Turtle in Paradise, as well as the Babymouse and Squish series which she collaborates on with her brother, Matthew Holm. She lives in California with her husband and two young children. Jenni survived eighth grade. Barely.

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