Electroporation Protocols for Microorganisms

· Methods in molecular biology 47. kniha · Springer Science & Business Media
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Electroporation is one of the most widespread techniques used in modem molecular genetics. It is most commonly used to introduce DNA into cells for investigations of gene structure and function, and in this regard, electroporation is both highly versatile, being effective with nearly all species and cell types, and highly efficient. For many cell types, electroporation is either the most efficient or the only means known to effect gene transfer. However, exposure of cells to brief, hi- intensity electric fields has found broad application in other aspects of biological research, and is now routinely used to introduce other types of biological and analytic molecules into cells, to induce cell-cell fusion, and to transfer DNA directly between different species. The first seven chapters of Electroporation Protocols for Micro organisms describe the underlying theory of electroporation, the com mercially available instrumentation, and a number of specialized electroporation applications, such as cDNA library construction and interspecies DNA electrotransfer. Each of the remaining chapters pre sents a well developed method for electrotransformation of a particular bacterial, fungal, or protist species. These chapters also serve to intro duce those new to the field the important research questions that are currently being addressed with particular organisms, highlighting both the major advantages and limitations of each species as a model organ ism, and explaining the roles that electroporation has played in the development of the molecular genetic systems currently in use.

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