Elmo's Breakfast Bingo (Sesame Street)

· Sotuvchi: Random House Books for Young Readers
37 ta sharh
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Using a funny–sometimes wacky–multiple-choice guessing game, Elmo teaches kids about the importance of starting the day with a good breakfast. Packed with facts and fun, this book makes breakfast easy to swallow! Practical tips for parents are also included!

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37 ta sharh

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Established in July 2013 in a merger between Penguin and Random House, Penguin Random House, with nearly 250 independent imprints and brands on five continents, more than 15,000 new titles published each year, and close to 800 million print, audio, and eBooks sold annually, is the world’s leading trade book publisher. Like its predecessor companies, Penguin Random House is committed to publishing adult and children’s fiction and nonfiction print editions and is a pioneer in digital publishing. Its publishing lists include more than 60 Nobel Prize laureates and hundreds of the world’s most widely read authors.

Louis Womble is an illustrator of several Sesame Street books, including Elmo’s Mommy, Monsters Munch Lunch!, and My Fuzzy Valentine.

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